This is a small piece. 10 inches by 12 inches. “A Morning’s Promise”. I chose the title because I remember this morning so well. I was at a beautiful lake 5 days into a solo backpack trip. As dawn broke, a group of Canada geese were discussing the days activities somewhere across the lake. As I took it all in, a golden eagle flew overhead and fish were rising near the little soft, flat gravel patch where I spent the night. The temperature was certainly chilly but, in the Sierras, when the sun issues it’s first warming rays on the tips of the mountains opposite it’s rise, you know that warmth will soon follow. Soon it becomes clear that the real promise of mornings like this is gratitude, in it’s purist form.
Hi Dave. We have a beautiful painting of a lion cub on a rock. We purchased it from your father’s gallery in Morgan Hill years ago. Do you have any memories of that painting? We have enjoyed it through the years and are now in Saint George UT.
Nice to hear from you. If you have time, send me an image of your painting. I would like to see it. You can send it to [email protected]. I am pleased to hear that it has been part of your home for years. Utah is a beautiful state and happy to here that you reside there now. Dave
Paul and Mary Ellen Klein
Hi Dave. We have a beautiful painting of a lion cub on a rock. We purchased it from your father’s gallery in Morgan Hill years ago. Do you have any memories of that painting? We have enjoyed it through the years and are now in Saint George UT.
Dave Sellers
Nice to hear from you. If you have time, send me an image of your painting. I would like to see it. You can send it to [email protected]. I am pleased to hear that it has been part of your home for years. Utah is a beautiful state and happy to here that you reside there now. Dave
Mary Ellen Klein
Hi Dave, i just sent photos to you. We have a second home at Lake Tulloch. I see you are also in The Sierra Area. What a beautiful place. Mary Ellen