This is painting is available, as of February 20, 2023. A favorite subject framed in beautiful quartersawn oak and American black walnut. It is exhibited at Christopher Queen Galleries in Duncans Mills, CA and is priced at 7400. Nancy and Tiare at Christopher Queen are available Wednesday through Monday (707)865-1318 for inquiries.
Lois Kleinkauf
This is beautiful. What are the dimensions?
Lois Kleinkauf
Former docent at MBA
Dave Sellers
Hi Lois, So nice to see your name again. I hope you are well. The painting framed is 17″x40″. Not exact measurements but very close. It is currently on display at Christopher Queen Galleries in Duncan’s Mills (707)865-1318. Nancy and Tiare can give you exact measurements down to the 1/4 inch. Most of my work sells within a month but given the time of year, it may be available a little longer if you have time to make the drive to see it in person. Again, nice to hear from you! Dave
Jodi Selene
I recently wandered into Christopher Queen art gallery and was so drawn to your Hills of Serenity painting. Your use of color to create the glow of sunlight is amazing. Thank you for making this beautiful piece! Do you have any prints of your work? I’m an art lover of modest means and would certainly buy the original if I win the lottery, but for now cannot.
Dave Sellers
Hi Jodi, Thanks for taking the time to comment. I do not sell prints of my work. I do hope you win the lottery and, if I win, I will promise to send this painting to you post haste! My biggest thrill as a painter is to communicate with the viewer and it gives me joy that “The Hills of Serenity” made an impression on you. Thanks again for your generous words and I wish you the very best!