“Trees of the Western Wind”
Here is another painting depicting a favorite subject, Monterey cypress trees, and inspired by a favorite painter, Arthur Matthews. This painting now resides in a beautiful craftsman home in San Francisco.
A New Piece, Painted From Fond Memories
This new painting, which is no longer available, was based on many memories. It was inspired by experiences exploring the rivers and creeks surrounding my home and studio in far northern California, where the Sierras meet the Cascades.
“The Hills of Serenity”
This is painting is available, as of February 20, 2023. A favorite subject framed in beautiful quartersawn oak and American black walnut. It is exhibited at Christopher Queen Galleries in Duncans Mills, CA and is priced at 7400. Nancy and … Continued
A Tribute to Arthur Matthews
Here is a recent piece honoring a favorite painter from the early part of the last century. He was prominent during the early craftsman period in San Francisco as an instructor, painter, woodworker and frame maker.
“Shapes and Colors”
Occasionally I go through periods in which loosening it up is helpful. When doing so, I concentrate on shapes and colors rather than a more photo realistic representation. This actually helps a lot with more interesting color choices in all … Continued
River Dreams
Here is my latest painting and frame. Chris and I worked together on this frame. It’s based on a design from a master wood worker from Seattle. It was not easy squaring it up and the finish details took quite … Continued
Reliving a great October memory
I sketched this on location at a remote creek during an October backpacking trip. Painting this in the studio was a great way to relive the experience. Fantastic weather, great fishing and the most wonderful solitude for creating art. A … Continued