River Dreams

Here is my latest painting and frame.  Chris and I worked together on this frame.  It’s based on a design from a master wood worker from Seattle.  It was not easy squaring it up and the finish details took quite a bit of time.  However, having it above our craftsman fireplace for a short while before it heads off to gallery makes the work seem worthwhile.  The painting is titled “River Dreams” because I dream of rivers and fishing while painting and dream of painting while fishing.

4 Responses

    • Dave Sellers

      Hi Boots, Thanks for taking the time to visit my website and taking the time to comment. Hope all is well and we look forward to our next visit with you and Bob. Dave

  1. Bob Andrews

    Hi Dave;

    My wife, Lisa, and I purchased River Dreams a few weeks ago at the Christopher Queen Gallery on the Russian River. We have a 43-inch LED light (with a 90 CRI rating) over it. The painting is breathtaking; we just love it. It hangs in our kitchen above an Italian walnut cabinet which holds my wine parephenalia 🙂 — old walnut reclaimed from a centuries-old Italian estate, fashioned into a beautiful cabinet. River Dreams makes the space.

    Lisa is a classical realist artist — portraits and still life — so she sets a high bar for what we buy. The frame is exquisite! We are pleased to add your painting to our collection.

    Warm regards,


    • Dave Sellers

      Bob, Thanks for taking the time to comment. So seldom do I hear where my paintings end up. “River Dreams” was one of a handful that I really wanted to know more about after it left the gallery. It was in our house for a few weeks and particularly hard to part with because Chris and I loved it so much above our mantle. Our house guests always commented enthusiastically (to say the least) without prompting and virtually everyone said we could not let it leave our home. Knowing that it is loved and appreciated, as well as showcased with the appropriate lighting really makes my day! Chris was thrilled to read your comment as well. Thanks again and if you don’t mind taking the time to send a photo, that would be great…….. [email protected]

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